
How to build a mansion in Minecraft

As a Minecraft player progresses through the game, the small shelter initially built transforms into a bigger and bigger structure. Even the resources collected are becoming more and more and some may want to build more important and majestic projects. If you are reading this guide, I bet, it is because you too had a similar idea and thought about making a mansion in Minecraft, didn’t you? The problem, however, is that you have no idea where to start or what resources are best suited to such a structure. Well, don’t worry: I’m here today to give you a hand.

In today’s guide, in fact, I will show you how to build a villa on Minecraft by giving you an overview of what can be the materials that can be used for this type of building and explaining how to order the ideas to realize your project. Also, if you don’t have a lot of time, I’ll show you how to build a villa in a few simple clicks.

Do you like the idea? Well: now that I have your full attention, I would say not to waste any more precious time, because you will need a lot of it to build your mansion in Minecraft. So sit down comfortably and just take a few minutes to read the advice I wrote in this guide. I am sure that, at the end of the reading, you will have clear ideas on the subject and you will be ready to create a villa to be envied! I just have to wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • What materials to choose
  • Building a villa
  • Useful tips for building a villa
  • Mod to build a villa

What materials to choose

Building a mansion in Minecraft is an operation that requires a lot of time and patience, as well as a lot of materials to collect. In this regard, the choice of materials must be done carefully, to build a resistant building in the event that creatures approach, which could damage it. For example, a creeper is a creature that causes damage from explosions: building a villa in wood or not very resistant materials can cause breaches in the perimeter, risking that the house becomes unsafe.

For the reasons set out above and also considering that a villa must also be a beautiful building to behold, a compromise must be sought between style and utility, to avoid wasting a lot of time and energy unnecessarily.

The wood is a material that is not advice for building a house, unless you’re trying to build an inner lining of the rooms with this resource. Wood, although readily available even with bare hands from surrounding trees, is a material that is weak against explosions and flammable. To make wooden blocks, you need wooden planks, which are created by placing the wooden or log units in the crafting box located in the inventory.

The stone blocks, on the other hand, are the ones that I recommend you use, because they are easy to find, as they are scattered throughout the game world. They are obtained by processing the crushed stone inside a furnace, using any source of fuel. It is a non-flammable resource that has decent explosion resistance.

Another material that can be useful to you, especially on an aesthetic level, is sandstone. This resource is the color of sand and can be used to embellish elements of the facade of the villa. The sandstone is obtained from four units of sand worked in a workbench and is a not very resistant material.

You can, however, create sandstone slabs by combining four blocks of sandstone, which will have, as properties, a resistance comparable to that of stone. However, the size of a slab is half that of a block, so you will have to overlap them, thus requiring much more resources than expected.

In addition to the materials indicated, there are bricks, which can be built with stone or clay. They look pleasing to the eye and can be used as an external cladding of the facade of the villa, thanks also to their remarkable resistance to explosions.

While stone is found everywhere and it is worked from crushed stone, clay is found in the bottoms of waterways. By putting the clay in a furnace, bricks are made; four brick units within a workbench spawn a brick block, useful for your purposes.

Another material, which is also resistant, is concrete. The blocks built with this material are shiny, with a color that can vary, depending on the dye that is used. To get cinder blocks, you need to get four units of gravel and four units of sand, along with one unit of dye.

When these resources are put together in a workbench, a concrete dust block is created. The latter, however, is a very fragile block and must be further worked: take some liquid with a bucket, such as water, and pour it on the positioned blocks, to immediately transform them into concrete blocks.

Furthermore, in addition to the materials I mentioned in the previous lines, there is one that is instead resistant to any explosion and that can perhaps be used as a layer between the internal and external lining of the external walls of the villa: obsidian.

This resource is obtained by pouring water on the lava, so as to generate it instantly. Then using a diamond pickaxe, it is possible to extract the blocks composed of this material.

Finally, to complete this chapter concerning construction materials, I tell you that you will need different resources based on the decorative elements with which you want to furnish the villa, as you will certainly place bookcases, beds, structures for the production and processing of materials. and much more.

With the latest versions of Minecraft, being able to create an object is no longer a problem: when you open, for example, the workbench, you are shown the cookbook with all the possible projects you can make, based on the resources in your possession.

What I recommend is to rely on the Italian Wiki dedicated to Minecraft, where you can find lots of information on building materials, as well as the projects you can make in this video game. And if you are a newcomer to Minecraft or you intend to buy the game and you are here just out of curiosity to know if it is possible to build a villa in the latter, I suggest you read my guide on how to play Minecraft.

Building a villa

After you’ve got an idea of ​​what materials can be useful for building a mansion in Minecraft, it’s time to take action.

The first step you must take is certainly not to go far from the birth point, or immediately create a small house, in which to place a bed, which will represent the new birth point, in case you lose all the life points of the avatar.

Once this is done, it is necessary to make the work tools, using a bench, such as picks, shovels and any other useful tool to collect the necessary materials as quickly as possible, as you will really need a lot of them.

Use the chests to store the resources you collect from time to time, and in case your mansion construction project requires materials to be crafted in the furnace, put them to work while you are out looking for new resources.

What I recommend is not to be in a hurry for the construction of the villa, because it is a project that will take some time. Above all, do not think that you will be able to do everything in one day, because it will be difficult for you: take breaks and plan your work over several days: it will be worth it and it will benefit your health.

That said, start clearing the area to build the villa. Surely it will have a considerable size, but probably a 20 × 20 area could already be more than enough. Then start creating the perimeter of the villa, starting from the foundations, placing only the first line of blocks, so as to get an idea of ​​the size and the project itself.

After you have defined the rooms, entrances and everything that the villa will have to own, start putting up the external walls. If the building you plan to build is to be developed over several floors, remember to set up space for an internal staircase. Then build a roof, until you finish building it.

I recommend that you build iron doors for external access, perhaps using pressure plates to prevent them from remaining open. Do not create large windows overlooking the outside, because the glass is very weak and could frustrate all your efforts, as the enemies could easily destroy it, thus accessing the building.

Furthermore, it is necessary to be careful to place light sources, such as torches, inside each room, to make the villa bright, even during the construction phase. Minecraft often spawns creatures in dark places, and you certainly don’t want to be faced with enemies to fight.

Finally, a villa is not such if it is not treated in detail: it creates interiors with beautiful materials to the eye, also using glass sheets and panels. In addition, it also creates an outdoor garden, creating manicured green areas and perhaps even a swimming pool. Finally, embellish the facade with elements such as bricks or slabs that can make the building very pleasing to the view from the outside.

Useful tips for building a villa

To create a villa in Minecraft, you need a lot of imagination and, above all, a good project studied from the beginning. It is certainly not easy to make it happen, especially for the time it takes.

In this case, I can help you by recommending you to look at the different projects made by other users on YouTube. You will surely find the ideas to realize your dream villa.

To do this, you simply have to get to the Web site of YouTube and type in the search box at the top, the terms “minecraft villa” or ” Minecraft modern house” , in English. You will find many videos made by fans of this video game, which will give you an idea to realize the project of a villa.

Mod to build a villa

Don’t have a lot of time to devote to building a mansion in Minecraft? Again, I can give you a solution: use mods for the immediate construction of preconfigured buildings.

Mods are nothing more than tools generally made by other users, which allow you to add or improve Minecraft features. There are several mods that can help you build a villa with a click, but among the many you should use Prefab, available on or Instant Structures Mod (ISM),.

To make mods work in Minecraft, you need Minecraft Forge, a dedicated mod management tool for this video game. To download it, go to the official website of the program and press on the Windows Installer item, in order to start downloading the file. When the download is complete, double-click on it and press OK, in the screen that is shown to you, in order to install it.

Now, go to C: \ Users \ [name] \ AppData \ Roaming \ .minecraft  via  Windows File  Explorer and open the mods folder. If you don’t find it, create it manually. At this point, the JAR file taken from CurseForge must be placed inside this folder. Prefab can be downloaded from this portal by clicking on the Download button; for Instant Structures Mod, press the  Download Instant Structures Mod button and select the version of Minecraft you have installed, to start downloading the mod.

When you start Minecraft, press the ▲ icon next to the Play button. Select the Forge profile and press Play to start the game. You will find the mod correctly activated in the Mod menu item.

Prefab is an easy-to-use mod: you will find a consumable item in the quick bar and, using it on the ground, a screen will be shown from which you can select the structure to build instantly.

Instant Structures Mod, on the other hand, comes with a screen accessible from the computer desktop. Through this, you have to select the structure through the search engine or the categories located on the left. When you have found the villa you like best, click on it, press the icon with a brick and finally press on Place structure.

The selected structure will be positioned within the game session, fully accessible by the player. Convenient, right?


Source: aranzulla by

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