
How to always win on Clash Royale

You are a big fan of Clash Royale , Supercell’s popular mobile title, and you are particularly enjoying challenging other players online. However, you have realized that you are meeting stronger and stronger users and you do not know how to be able to increase your chances of winning. Well, obviously there is no way to win every game of Clash Royale but, if you want, I can give you some advice on the techniques to adopt to improve your performance within the game.

I know, everyone would like to find out  how to always win on Clash Royale , but luckily there is no “magic” trick to achieve this goal. What you can do, however, is to put into practice all those tricks that often the most skilled players put in place without novice users even noticing. I’ll tell you about it shortly. There will also be a way to talk about the basic dynamics of the Supercell title, which must always be “reviewed” to get the best possible results. Finally, I will not fail to provide you with all the details of the case to find the deck and strategy that best suit your style of play.

What do you say? Are you ready to learn about Clash Royale properly and get to know in detail the aspects of the game that could increase your chances of winning? In my opinion, yes, since you’ve come this far, you’ve made yourself comfortable and are reading this guide with interest. Come on then, all you have to do is take a few minutes of free time and follow the quick instructions below. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Preliminary information
  • How to always win on Clash Royale
    • Choose the right deck
    • Find the right strategy
    • Train
    • Find a clan
    • Learn from the pros

Preliminary information

Before going into the details of the procedure on how to always win on Clash Royale , I think it may interest you to know more about the Supercell title.

Well, Clash Royale is a strategic video game for mobile devices originally released in 2016. We are talking about a title that in some ways incorporates both some dynamics of the tower defense genre and some aspects of collectible card games .

In fact, each user has 3 towers to defend and 4 cards to use (a deck is made up of 8 cards in total , but those on the screen are 4 because they are alternated ). The latter represent characters or objects / actions to be used to attack or defend . However, the player has an elixir bar (purple drop icon), which can usually be up to a maximum of 10 units .

Each card requires a number of elixirs units in order to be used and the appropriate bar will recharge automatically with the passage of time (usually 1 unit is generated in 2.8 seconds ). Clearly there are characters who can better counter others and some cards are more useful in the defensive phases and others in the offensive ones . The ultimate goal is to destroy the opponent’s towers or the other user’s main tower . In the case the time of the match, set at 3 minutes, expire, whoever destroyed the most towers wins .

That’s all: Clash Royale has some particularly simple and intuitive basic dynamics , even if in reality it is a much deeper game than it seems, as I will show you in the next chapters. In any case, if you are interested in having more information on the title, I suggest you take a look at my guide on how to play Clash Royale .

How to always win on Clash Royale

As you may have already guessed, Clash Royale relies heavily on strategy, as it is particularly important to plan your moves. For this reason, to increase the chances of victory in the Supercell title, it can be of fundamental importance to follow tricks such as the ones you find below.

Choose the right deck

One of the most important aspects to be able to compete with the most prepared opponents is clearly the choice of the deck . In fact, the right deck of cards can guarantee you a good competitive advantage.

However, it is not easy to give you precise indications, since each user has his own style of play : there are those, for example, who bet everything on attack , who on defense and who on speed . I would like to make you two “proposals” in this sense: a deck built with cards that are easy to obtain in the initial stages of the game and a “powerful” competition deck .

Well, one of the most used decks by novice players is the one based on the Giant , considered one of the strongest characters of the early game, thanks to the excellent statistics relating to damage and life points . The deck is made in this way: Giant (Rare, Arena 0), Arrows (City, Arena 0), Archers (City, Arena 0) Bomber (City, Arena 2), Goblin (City, Arena 1), Ball fire (Rare, Arena 0), Prince (Epic, Arena 0) and Musketeer (Rare, Arena 0).

As for the competition deck , I advise you to keep an eye on the one that relies on the excellent PEKKA card . The deck contains the following cards: Barbarian Barrel (Epic, Arena 3), Goblin Hut (Rare, Arena 1), Graveyard (Legendary, Arena 12), Mega Minion (Rare, Arena 4), PEKKA (Epic, Arena 4), Poison (Epic, Arena 5), Giant Snowball (Common, Arena 8), and Electric Warlock (Legendary, Arena 11).

For more details on the decks described and for many other examples, I highly recommend you consult my guide to the best decks of Clash Royale , where you can find several interesting ideas to make your choice wisely.

If, on the other hand, you have not understood how to unlock the characters , the cards related to the latter can be found mainly through the chests that are obtained simply by playing (and winning) normally the games offered by the Supercell title. The cards can also improve and level up , increasing, for example, hit points and damage . For more details, I recommend you take a look at my tutorials on how to see the chests on Clash Royale and how to find legendaries on Clash Royale .

Find the right strategy

As I told you before, Clash Royale is a video game that relies heavily on strategy and it is therefore very important to find one that suits your style of play.

As you can imagine, it is difficult for me to give you precise advice, since there are myriads of strategies that can be implemented in the Supercell title. However, I can still give you some general indications that are often used by more experienced players.

The first piece of advice I would like to give you is not to immediately attack the opposing main tower . In fact, you must know that, once the “secondary” towers are destroyed , you can place your characters directly in the “half court” of the other player . Although destroying the main tower (i.e. the central one) automatically leads to victory , I still recommend that you aim for the secondary ones first .

Also keep in mind the difference between flying and ground troops . In fact, those on land must necessarily pass through the bridges and roads on the right and left of the map, to get to the other side, while the flying characters are generally faster and can cross the “cliff” even if they are in the center . In short, do not underestimate this factor.

Another aspect to consider is the use of “action” cards , such as the “rain of arrows” and the fireball . In fact, the latter can be used strategically in certain situations. For example, if there are a few seconds left in the game and your opponent’s tower is left standing with very little “life” , you might think about shooting a fireball to destroy it permanently and take the game home in this way .

Going further, one of the most common mistakes among novice Clash Royale players is to be in a hurry . In fact, often the user starts immediately in fifth place by placing his cards. In reality, especially at the beginning of the game, waiting for the opponent to make the first move could be very useful to study how he reasons and counter him .

As for the use of elixirs , I advise you to keep in mind the existence of the Elixir Extractor card , which can be unlocked in the Builder ‘s Workshop (Arena 6) and allows you to recharge the elixir bar faster. , so you can play the cards before your opponent . This card can therefore be very interesting to set up a good strategy. In any case, in general, you should try not to waste all the elixirs right away , but in this case it depends on how you want to set up your game.

Finally, a final suggestion that I would like to give you is to try to put characters , possibly fast , on the opposite side when an enemy is attacking only from one side . Defending is not always the right move, since a correct action on the “counterattack” could guarantee you victory . I also remind you that your towers can also protect themselves a little and therefore against some enemies with little life it may not even be worth deploying defensive troops.


It may seem like an obvious advice, but in reality many users do not know the options made available by Clash Royale to train without going to face other opponents online.

To access this possibility, just press on the hamburger icon at the top right, tap the Test field button and press Yes . This way, you can experiment with your deck and your strategies much more calmly and without too much fear of losing. Of course, you won’t get any chests , but you can only hone your skills and return to play against other players when you’re ready.

If you are thinking that artificial intelligence is too “weak” to really put you to the test, you are wrong: the developers have created the Test Field in order to offer players a challenge that simulates clashes against opponents as much as possible humans.

Find a clan

“Unity is strength” and, in fact, in Clash Royale finding a clan can be very useful, since it brings various advantages.

Joining a clan can in fact guarantee you to level up much faster , quickly get cards for your deck and get in touch with other people who could teach you the “tricks of the trade” . In short, carrying out your game alone is still fun, but joining a clan and participating in related activities can take you many steps forward.

My advice, if you want to aim to become a great player, is to join some already established clan and be “guided” by the most experienced users . To do this, you need to reach level 2 , press the Social icon (present at the bottom right of the Clash Royale main screen) and tap on one of the recommended clans , obviously looking for one that seems interesting to you.

After that, press the green Join button and you will enter the clan chat . Here you can request or exchange cards , play a friendly match to train against some clan members, post some emote or write a chat message . You can do all this using the buttons below and from here you can search for people to play together or get help to have more chances of winning.

Of course you can also create a clan . To do this, just press the Social icon located at the bottom right of the main screen of the game, move to the Create tab and fill out the form that appears on the screen. In particular, you will have to type the name of the clan , choose the decoration among those proposed by Clash Royale, select the type of group (Open, Only by invitation or Closed), the trophies needed to enter the clan (0, 300, 600, 1000, 1300, 1600, 2000, 2300, 2600, 3000 and so on up to 7000) and choose if it is an international groupor if all participants are located in a particular country .

You just have to press the Create button to give life to your clan. You will be required to pay 1,000 gold . I remind you that the latter can also be obtained for free and therefore you should not make too much effort to collect this loot.

Learn from the pros

One aspect that is often not taken into consideration is that there are countless multimedia contents related to Clash Royale online. Obviously, there is also the possibility of watching games played by pro players and I can assure you that taking a look at how they play can help you to improve particularly.

To find this content, I mainly recommend that you follow the Clash Royale Esports YouTube channel , where all Supercell title tournaments are posted . Here you can then find the games played by the best pro players in the world for Clash Royale.

If you are interested in live content , where you can also interact with the chat and with the streamer , I invite you to take a look at the Twitch page dedicated to Clash Royale , where you can find all the live streams they could do at the your case.

I would also like to advise you to consult the page of my site dedicated to Clash Royale , where you can find myriads of tutorials related to the Supercell title.


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