How much data does my WhatsApp consume?

Have you analyzed the amount of Internet or megabytes you spend while browsing through an application directly connected to your data? Do you want to know how many megabytes WhatsApp consumes?

The applications that spend fewer megabytes are Twitter and Instagram since once you tweet a photo you will spend approximately between 0 and a half Mb and when you share an Instagram photo you will spend just over half a MB.

The following applications are Facebook and Google Map with 1 Mb; that is, every time you update your status and post a photo through the social network Facebook, you will spend about 1 mega of internet.

Consultation of an address through the Google Map application can make you spend about 1 Mb of Internet per minute of navigation.

For all those people who use their work or school email through the device, they are spending around 2Mb of the Internet when they send an email.

For lovers of direct communication and love to make video calls via the Spyke application, they spend about 2½ Mb in just 1 minute of video calls.

Even Pinterest was included as one of the favorite applications by all users to search for images of sentences up to food recipes, but there are 3 megabytes you use while browsing for about 1 minute in that application.

Learn to control how many Megabytes WhatsApp consume

One of the most used applications today is WhatsApp; because it is an instant messaging application that helps to communicate directly with anyone in the world.

This medium is very efficient when it comes to sharing photos; audio and even calls; why not? video calls As for its use, we stop to think how much is the cost of the data we do in this application so that somehow we do not reach the end of the month without the navigation data.

So you need to have some control when it comes to seeing your consumption and in this article, we will show you step by step how to know how much data you have consumed:

To perform the following steps you need a mobile phone first; who must have previously installed the WhatsApp application.

  1. Click on the WhatsApp application to launch the application on your mobile.
  2. It is important to underline that to carry out this little tutorial we focused on a mobile phone with an Android operating system to show in detail how much megabytes the WhatsApp application spends; although the steps are the same for other operating systems.
  3. then; Now when you are in the application on the top right you will find three very characteristic points in this application since through them you can enter the options offered by WhatsApp.
  4. When it comes to the Apple operating system, you need to access the “Settings” menu of the WhatsApp application.
  5. Already in “Settings”; you need to search and click on the option that says ” Account Information ” which is assisted or accompanied by the figure that looks like a key
  6. An emerging window will appear; where you can see the different features that correspond to the WhatsApp account.
  7. Click on the last option which says: ” Network Usage ” to know the megabytes spent by this instant messaging application.
  8. When you are in this section; you can see on the screen how much your WhatsApp data consumption has been; In this space, it will evaluate you based on how many messages you have sent, spending what you have received.

In the same way, it shows you the total Megabytes that WhatsApp consumes; in messages sent as received.

It is important to note that already when you are at home and you can choose to connect to a Wifi network, you should take advantage of it since in this way there can be many megabytes that you can save.

Fun fact

Previously it was thought that there were many more megabytes consumed by WhatsAppbecause it is global since we have them all, but it is not.

According to some studies, Telegram is the application that uses less data traffic; anyway Skype; Facebook and Messenger are among the applications that drain your data faster.

As they are the applications that most megabytes consume in fact the consumption of Facebook; Messenger and Skype range from 2.05 megs to 22.2 megs compared to the telegram application which ranges from 0.41 or 3.75 megs.

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