
d3d11.dll: what is this error, how to fix, download for windows 7, 8, 10

Increasingly, modern users are faced with dll format problems. They almost always arise due to the absence of any of the files on the computer. One of the most common errors is d3d11.dll. The reason for the occurrence is clear from the name – the problem of connection with DirectX 11. In this article we will tell you in detail about d3d11.dll: what kind of error it is, how to fix it.

Causes of occurrence

There are several reasons for this error:

  • your graphics card just can’t handle DirectX 11;
  • the drivers for the video card have not been downloaded or they are outdated;
  • old version of Windows 7.

Let’s take a look at each of these points in order. If your video card cannot withstand DirectX 11, then you will not be able to check this in any way, because when you press the Win + R hotkeys and enter dxdiag, you will only see that the files of this version are only installed.

If you try to update the driver, then, most likely, you will see a window “no updates required”. Well, if your Windows is simply outdated, then even if you have all the necessary files, games and applications are unlikely to start. What if you have any of these three points?

  1. First of all, you need to download the AMD or NVIDIA drivers.
  2. Click on the Win + R keys, type dxdiag, go to “Screen”, “Drivers”. We need to look at the “DDI for Direct3D” metrics. If the value is greater than or equal to 11.1, then there should be no errors. If less, then, most likely, all because of the video card and its drivers.

If for some reason you do not want to use the system, then you can do this through third-party programs, for example, in AIDA64.

How to fix on Windows 7

Sometimes this problem occurs on Windows 7, when everything is fine with the video card and its drivers.

All this can be caused simply by the absence of the required file, therefore, you need to download this d3d11.dll for windows 7, 8, 10. This can be done in two ways: by downloading a separate file or reinstalling updates. It is highly recommended to use the second method, because most often such third-party sites contain viruses that you yourself will place in the very center of your computer. Therefore, here we will talk about the first method, which, among other things, will save you from similar problems in the future. The first step is to go to the Microsoft website using a direct link:

On the opened site in the center, select the required language.

language selection

Click on the “Download” button, the download begins. After downloading, a window will open with a proposal to update the software, click “yes”.

The last step is to restart your computer.


We hope the presented article helped you in solving the d3d11.dll error. Thanks for reading.

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