
Best Pokémon GO

You’re a big fan of Pokémon GO , the Pokémon series game for mobile devices developed by Niantic, and you’re having a great time playing games. But now you would like to know more and receive advice on the most valid Pokémon present within this specific title. You then did an online search and finally came here on my site. That’s the way it is, isn’t it? Well then I’d say you’ve come to just the right place!

In fact, in today’s tutorial I will explain which are the best Pokémon in Pokémon GO by analyzing in detail different categories of “monsters”: from the Pokémon most suitable for gyms to those that are usually used in PvP, passing through the various types of Pokémon and for their most powerful moves. Put simply, I will give you 360-degree advice, so that you can get to know Pokémon GO in all its facets.

What do you say? Are you ready to go ahead and find out more? In my opinion, yes, since you are reading this guide with interest. Come on then, all you have to do is simply take a few minutes of free time and follow the quick directions below, taking note of the Pokémon that seem most suitable for your needs. That said, there is nothing left for me to do, except wish you good reading and have fun!


  • Best Pokémon GO by type
  • Best Pokémon GO gyms
  • Best Pokémon GO PvP
  • Best Pokémon GO moves

Best Pokémon GO by type

The first subdivision that I would like to do, to explain which are the best Pokémon in Pokémon GO , is that relating to type.

In fact, you need to know that this feature is very important in Niantic’s title. The type of Pokémon is in fact used to understand the effectiveness of the moves . The same developers, on their official website , write: “Understanding the types of Pokémon and the types of attacks is essential to become an expert Pokémon Trainer” . In short, I would say that it is better to start from here to analyze the most valid Pokémon.

Below is a list, broken down by type, of the Pokémon that I think you should take into consideration.

  • Normal: Slaking, Snorlax, Porygon-X (best used in defense);
  • Fight: Heracross, Machamp, Lucario (in attack);
  • Flying: Honchcrow, Dragonite, Rayquaza (in attack);
  • Poison: Nidoking, Gengar, Roserade (in attack);
  • Terra: Garchomp, Rhyperior, Mamoswine (in attack);
  • Rock: Rampardos, Aggron, Tyranitar (in attack);
  • Beetle: Armaldo, Pinsir, Yanmega (in attack);
  • Specter: Mismagius, Giratina, Gengar (in defense);
  • Steel: Magnezone, Aggron, Metagross (in attack);
  • Fire: Entei, Moltres, Magmortar (in attack);
  • Water: Milotic, Gyarados, Kyogre (in attack);
  • Grass: Leafeon, Roserade, Tangrowth (in attack);
  • Electro: Electivire, Zapdos, Magnezone (in attack);
  • Psychic: Mewtwo, Latios, Metagross (in attack);
  • Ice: Walrein, Mamoswine, Glaceon (in attack);
  • Dragon: Garchomp, Rayquaza, Salamence (in attack);
  • Dark: Houndoom, Weavile, Tyranitar (in attack);
  • Elf: Mr. Mime , Togekiss, Gardervoir (in defense).

These are the main Pokémon that, in my opinion, should be studied properly, choosing them based on their type and their characteristics . For my choices, I decided to give higher priority to the maximum value of PL (Battle Points) : a combination of Attack , Defense and Resistance generally used to understand how strong a Pokémon is.

I want to clarify that the indication relating to attack / defense is actually a bit imprecise, given that many Pokémon are used well in both contexts . However, it can be useful for you to understand, in general, the differences between the various types. Also remember that some Pokémon have a double type – which is why I mentioned Tyranitar twice, for example.

Best Pokémon GO gyms

Another doubt that often assails novice players with Pokémon GO is that relating to gyms .

In fact, the latter can be particularly difficult the first times you face them. However, by bringing the right Pokémon with you, everything becomes easier and, for this reason, it is important to know what are considered to be the best Pokémon to use in gyms by the community.

Well, the 10 Pokémon considered strongest in general, which could be ideal for facing the gyms, are the following.

  • Blissey(both defense and attack);
  • Gyarados(in defense);
  • Snorlax(both defense and attack);
  • Chansey(in defense);
  • Tyranitar(both defense and attack);
  • Lanturn(in defense);
  • Jigglypuff(in defense);
  • Rhydon(in defense);
  • Vaporeon(in attack);
  • Dragonite(both defense and attack).

In short, there are Pokémon with particularly good statistics on a defensive level and others that are more needed for the offensive phases . By choosing the ones that best suit your needs, you can make challenges at gyms easier.

Best Pokémon GO PvP

A very important mode of Pokémon GO is PvP , in which players clash with each other to test their respective skills.

Trainer Battles can be played in three leagues: Mega League (Pokémon max HP: 1500), Ultra League (max HP: 2500), and Master League (max HP: infinite). Many wonder, therefore, which are, for example, the best Pokémon in Pokémon GO for the Mega League or the best Pokémon in Pokémon GO for the Ultra League .

Well, here are some tips, which have been extrapolated by fans using the Poké Assistant tool . I start from the Mega League (the first available). The tips refer to when to evolve a certain Pokémon to try to make it have the best possible stats to face the League.

  • Dragonair: It is recommended to evolve Dratini to 821 PL to stay within the limit;
  • Azumarill: it is recommended to upgrade Azurill to 304 PL;
  • Meganium: it is recommended that Chikorita evolve at 555 PL;
  • Lanturn: It is recommended that Chinchou evolve to 781 PL;
  • Charizard: Charmender is recommended to evolve at 484 PL;
  • Toxicroak: It is recommended that Croagunk evolve at 547 PL;
  • Swampert: It is recommended to evolve Mudkip to 545 PL;
  • Haunter: It is recommended that Gastly evolve at 914 PL;
  • Altaria: it is recommended to evolve Swablu to 587 PL;
  • Hydreigon: it is recommended to upgrade Deino to 416 PL.

If, on the other hand, you are interested in the Ultra League , here are which Pokémon you should consider. Here you can use slightly stronger Pokémon (you must have at least 3 Pokémon with HP above 1500 and you must not exceed 2500 ). From here on I relied on the PvPoke tool .

  • Registeel;
  • Giratina (Original form);
  • Giratina (Altered form);
  • Snorlax;
  • Cresselia;
  • Swampert;
  • Mewtwo (armored form / Armored);
  • Regirock;
  • Muk (form of Alola);
  • Regice.

Finally, as far as the Master League is concerned , you can aim directly for the top of the top. In fact, the maximum PLs are unlimited .

  • Giratina (Original form);
  • Giratina (Altered form);
  • Dialga;
  • Snorlax;
  • Dragonite;
  • Mewtwo;
  • Togekiss;
  • Kyogre;
  • Metagross;
  • Darkrai.

Best Pokémon GO moves

Of course, it’s not enough just to know the best Pokémon to be good Trainers, but you also need to know how to master their moves .

In fact, although it may seem a “simple” game on the surface, Pokémon GO is actually a complex and layered title , if you want to compete at high levels. There are myriads of statistics and aspects to consider but, to start, it is good to dwell on Pokémon and their moves.

As for the latter, below I report what are considered the 10 strongest moves based on DPS (damage per second) .

  • Gigaimpatto(1915.1 DPS, Normal);
  • Primopulsar(76.5 DPS, Water);
  • Telluric Swords(76.5 DPS, Earth);
  • Return(50 DPS, Normal);
  • Hydrocannon(47.4 DPS, Water);
  • Baldeali(45 DPS, Flying);
  • Hammered(44.7 DPS, Water);
  • Divination(44.4 DPS, Psycho);
  • Pietrataglio(43.5 DPS, Rock);
  • Scuffle(43.5 DPS, Battle).

If you want to know everything related to this topic, I recommend that you consult my guide to the best Pokémon GO moves , where you can find many indications that may interest you. Also, since you are a fan of the Niantic title, I invite you to take a look at the page on my site dedicated to Pokémon GO .

Remember that in times of emergency, such as that of early 2020 for the COVID-19 pandemic , it is not allowed to play games like Pokémon GO or, at least, not to be done outside the home: there are also activities that can be done inside your home, as Niantic explains on its official website (in English).


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