
Apps started to unload on Samsung smartphones. What to do

Why do smartphones need RAM? Well, primarily in order to keep running applications running in the background. This is good because it will be enough for a smartphone to simply pull them up from the multitasking menu, and not start them cold. As a result, the execution of important processes will not be interrupted, regardless of whether the application is open or not, and the time it takes to launch them will be less. However, not all smartphones are able to adequately multitask.

With the latest One UI update, Samsung has made major changes to how it handles background processes running on the brand’s smartphones. As a result, the updated power saving toolkit began to behave too aggressively, unloading open applications after a few minutes.

Why applications are unloaded to Samsung

Force unloading of applications is a rather unpleasant thing, if not dangerous. It negatively affects the experience of using the device, because the system forcibly disrupts the work of many processes, the execution of which should not be interrupted even in the background. In turn, this can even negatively affect the operation of the mechanism for sending notifications that stop arriving on time.

In fact, One UI power saving tools have allowed themselves to unload applications from RAM before, but they did it more elegantly. First, they didn’t touch apps with special permissions to run in the background like sports tracking software, sleep trackers, etc.

And, secondly, if the One UI mechanisms unloaded the software, they did it after a few hours and only if it overloaded the system beyond measure and consumed a lot of energy with background updates and calls to cellular data. This now happens after about three minutes and regardless of the load applied by the application.

Samsung does not allow you to forcibly disable unloading applications from RAM separately. The only way to do this is to turn off the native power saving mode. This is about battery optimization, which is enabled by default and uses various ways to conserve battery power.

The applications themselves are closed. What to do

  • Go to system settings on your smartphone;
  • Open the application settings section, and from there go to the “Battery” tab;

For everything to work as it should, you need to disable battery optimization

  • Open the battery optimization section and select “All”;
  • Disable the My Apps option by sliding the toggle switch to the left.

From now on, One UI will stop blocking background processes, regardless of their resource consumption. But along with them, applications, which will now always be in the background, will no longer be unloaded and you will be able to launch them not on a cold one, but from RAM.

At the same time, there should be no problems with autonomy. Android has a built-in mechanism by default to efficiently save power when a large number of applications are running in the background. It does not offload them, but simply prevents frequent updates and access to cellular data.

Most likely, the problem we’re talking about is just a bug that Samsung will have to fix in the very near future. Another thing is that the company’s developers, on the whole, have a positive attitude to the practice of forced unloading of applications. Therefore, if they do eliminate such a fast unloading of software, they obviously will not abandon it altogether.



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