
App for Pokémon GO

You are a Pokémon fan and, inevitably, have decided to download Pokémon GO , Niantic’s popular augmented reality title, to your smartphone. After spending some time on it and learning how it works, you have been looking for possible third-party tools to use to improve your gaming experience. This is how things are, am I right? Then you will be happy to know that you are in the right place at the right time!

In today’s guide, in fact, I will show you some apps for Pokémon GO that can help you improve your performance in the game. All you have to do is carefully read all the information that I will provide you in the next chapters: I will explain, first of all, how Pokémon GO works in detail and I will provide you with several tips on this; after which I will show you several apps that will surely be right for you.

If you are impatient to start reading this guide, do not waste any more precious time and let’s get to work immediately! All you have to do is sit down comfortably, grab your smartphone and immediately put into practice the advice I will give you. I just have to wish you a good read and, above all, a good time!


  • How Pokémon GO works
  • App for Pokémon GO
    • Poke Genie (Android / iOS / iPadOS)
    • Go Field Guide (Android / iOS / iPadOS)
    • Other apps for Pokémon GO

How Pokémon GO works

Pokémon GO is a video game developed by the Niantic company and available for free on Android and iOS / iPadOS . The goal of the game is to explore real places, looking for the different Pokémon to catch on the game map.

Through the use of GPS , in fact, the position of the player and all the Pokémon in the vicinity are displayed on the satellite map, with the possibility of groped to capture them when in proximity to them, using the Poké Balls. Moreover, thanks to the augmented reality feature, by activating the camera, it is possible to fight the Pokémon as if it were “really” on the spot.

If you are looking for any Pokémon GO walking apps , I warn you that you will not find any really useful. However, you can use the official accessories, such as the Poké Ball Plus or the Pokémon Go Plus , which consist of Bluetooth devices that allow you to be notified when a Pokémon is nearby and try to catch it with them, without using your cell phone.


Poké Ball Plus

See offer on Amazon


Also know that, thanks to the integration with Nintendo Switch , you can use this console to transfer to Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee! Pokémon captured with your smartphone.


Pokemon: Let’S Go, Pikachu!

See offer on Amazon


Pokemon: Let’S Go, Eevee!

See offer on Amazon


Nintendo Switch Pikachu & Eevee Edition + Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! …

See offer on Amazon


If you want more information on Pokémon GO , I recommend that you read my guides on how to play and how this game works . In addition, I recommend my guide on how to access Pokémon GO , to get all the information you need to create an account within the title.

App for Pokémon GO

If you want to know which apps you can use for Pokémon GO , in order to improve your gaming experience, in the next chapters I will list some that will be right for you. I warn you that you will not find any suggestions on the app for Pokémon GO GPS  or similar tricks: these solutions can violate the terms of service of the game and, therefore, lead to the suspension of the account. Stay away from it!

Poke Genie (Android / iOS / iPadOS)

Poke Genie is an app that allows you to estimate the IV of a Pokémon, that is its individual values ​​that allow you to understand its true potential and therefore its true strength. This app is free and available on both Android and iOS / iPadOS .

You can easily install the app on Android , by pressing the Install button  that you find in the app tab on the Play Store . On iPhone and iPad , however, through this link , you have to reach the App Store and press the Get button . Then unlock the app download and installation via Face ID, Touch ID or Apple ID password.

The operation of the app is very similar on both Android and iOS / iPadOS, but differs in the method in which the data for the calculations are acquired: while on Android the app overlaps that of Pokémon GO and performs the calculations in real time, on iOS you need to capture the screen, and then import the screen into the Poke Genie app. But let’s go into detail.

After starting the Poke Genie app on Android and agreeing to the various warnings on the screen (for accessing permissions to use the device features), press the Start button to launch the Pokémon GO app . You will notice a small transparent icon on the right side of the screen, which allows immediate access to Poke Genie and the information it contains.

This icon, however, can only be activated on the screen with the details of the Pokémon caught. Therefore, press on the Poké Ball icon at the bottom and tap on the Pokémon item to access the database of acquired Pokémon. Now, press on what you want to calculate the IV for and press on the Poke Genie icon .

After doing this, you will be shown a new screen, superimposed on that of the Pokémon GO app. Inside you will find all the values ​​of the statistics expected for the Pokémon in question, including the estimate of its IV.

On the iPhone , on the other hand, after you have made the screen of the Pokémon detail card screen , start the Poke Genie app and press the Import button to select the previously acquired image. The app will return you a series of information relating to the IV and the statistics of the Pokémon in different areas, in the same way as it happens for the Android version.

Go Field Guide (Android / iOS / iPadOS)

Go Field Guide is a third-party app for Pokémon GO that allows you to get useful information about this video game. For example, you can view local events, calculate the experience a Pokémon needs to level up, view raid guides, and tons of other useful features to make sure you’re playing Pokémon GO at its best.

In case you are interested in Go Field Guide , you can download the app directly from the smartphone store. On Android , go to this link and press the Install button . On the iPhone , on the other hand, go to the App Store  and press the Get button . Once this is done, unlock the app download and installation via Face ID, Touch ID or Apple ID password.

After starting the application, in case you receive a warning on the screen for updating information, click on Update information . Once this is done, after a few moments you will be directed to the main screen of the app.

Using the icon  , located at the top left, you can access the list of all the app features that allow, for example, to view events ( Event Timer ), calculate the amount of experience to grow a Pokémon ( Level Up Calculator ) or view raid guides, including the best Pokémon you can use ( Raid Boss list and counters ).

The features available on Go Field Guide are so many and can certainly be useful during your game sessions in Pokémon GO.

Other apps for Pokémon GO

If you are looking for other apps that can be useful to you while playing Pokémon GO, what I can recommend is to take a look at the solutions that I will tell you about in the next paragraphs. I’m sure you will find some apps that will pique your interest!

  • Movesets GO( Android ) – one of the free apps that I recommend you to use is Movesets GO , which allows you to view a database of Pokémon, with all the information about them. It is therefore possible to find out which are the best combinations of Pokémon abilities and which are the strongest to capture, knowing their strengths and weaknesses.
  • GoTool( Android ) – is an app similar to the one I already told you about in this chapter . Several features are available to keep track of events and consult the Pokémon databases relating to raids, counters, experience calculation and many other useful features for your Pokémon hunt. There are advertising banners that can be removed every 48 hours by watching an advertising video.
  • Pokevolution( Android / iOS / iPadOS ) – another app that may interest you is Pokevolution . The latter allows you to access some useful tools, which allow you to calculate CP and IV, the rewards for each level or view the weaknesses of each Pokémon.


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