
4G routers: what advantages and how to choose?

The advent of the Internet has inevitably brought with it several elements, including routers, especially 4G. Even though these are no longer new, many are unaware of their real contribution to a quality connection. Even for the few who know them, it is usually difficult to make the right choice. The real information being the bedrock of power, discover through this article all about 4G routers.

A router and a 4G router: what should be understood?

Shaped like a box, a router is a device that provides packet routing. In other words, it is an intermediate element in a computer network which forwards packets from one network interface to another.

More concretely, this device connected to a modem makes it possible to send information from the Internet to different devices. This means that it facilitates communication between the Internet and a local network.

The world of technology being in full evolution, several levels or generations of Internet have already succeeded one another. It is indeed these generations that condition the performance of an internet connection. And the 4th generation (  or 4G) being the current one, it turned out to be very high speed internet.

This is therefore the reason why even in the rank of routers, the question of generations is taken into account. As a corollary, routers that adapt to 4G stand out as the best. Already, you can find  examples on this site . Not to be confused with a WiFi router!

Differences between a 4G router and a WiFi router

As their names already indicate, a 4G router and the WiFi one differ in the connection they distribute. The first precisely provides 4G, and the second WiFi.

Indeed, to use a 4G router, there is no need for internet. It is this that justifies the fact that by moving with it, you do not have to fear poor internet quality. It just depends on the local network.

For the WiFi router on the other hand, the Internet is essential, since it is the latter that the WiFi only distributes otherwise.

On another level, it is necessary to indicate that a 4G router is movable from one place to any other. It also has a more or less considerable autonomy for this purpose, which can allow you to hold on for a good period of time.

Conversely, a WiFi router cannot be transported. It is indeed affiliated with the place where it is connected, in the sense that the subscription to Internet depends on the domicile.

From these specifics, you agree that the 4G router is undoubtedly the most advantageous. But concretely, how does it work?

How a 4G router works

The first thing to remember about a 4G router is that it incorporates a modem. It is the latter as a modulator whose role is to access the mobile Internet connection of a local network.

For a router to work, it is therefore necessary to subscribe to an internet package using the SIM used with the router. However, it should be specified that the activation of the modem does not require any particular handling.

Once the connection has been established using the modem, the router takes over by sharing the connection via a LAN/WAN cable or wirelessly. Nevertheless, even if its functionalities are not as high as those of a fiber, a large model of router can well reach 600 Mbit/s.

For all intents and purposes, it should be remembered that multiple devices can be connected to a router. Your smartphone, your computer, your printer, your tablet… All connectable devices can be connected to the router. Only, do not abuse it by connecting them all at the same time, at the risk of not taking full advantage of your accessory.

The advantages of a 4G router

In view of all the above, you have certainly already realized the many advantages of a router. Only, here are essentially the major ones to remember.

Very short activation time

An individual as well as a company may feel the need for an internet connection at short notice. However, you know better, the installation of a fiber sometimes takes up to 6 weeks. Under these conditions, it is always better to find a palliative so as not to decrease in productivity.

And it is precisely for these kinds of situations that the 4G router comes at the right time. With the latter, the activation time is almost negligible, in the sense that it activates in a very short time. From then on, activities resume and the productivity of the natural or legal person concerned takes off again.

A powerful tool

As mentioned earlier, a router is not only relocatable to any area, but it also provides access to a speed of up to 600 Mb/s.

These are the two parameters that make it a powerful tool, insofar as it is helpful, regardless of the area.

The possibility of multiple connection

PC, smartphone and other devices can easily be connected to a router. Thus, several people (employees from the point of view of a company) have the possibility of working at the same time.

Only, it is necessary to regulate the connection of the devices to the router, at the risk of being a victim of its poor quality.

Unconditional security

It sometimes happens in circulation that one has access to a public WiFi, as is the case in certain companies, restaurants, etc.

By using a 4G router, you are guaranteed protection against various risks. Indeed, access to a router is conditioned by the activation of a firewall as well as connection access control.

In addition, many models are equipped with WPA (Wireless Protected Access) encryption which guarantees better security on the network.

Prices within everyone’s reach

Most operators now offer offers tailored to needs, through various data packages. Therefore, an individual or a company that only needs limited packages can use it without fear of unnecessary costs. Topachat offers them.

In the same vein, the router is like a back-up solution, in that it offers an excellent quality connection and a stable speed.

All that said, there is no longer any question of denying the importance of a router, whether for an individual or a company. Only, how to choose good quality?

Parameters to consider when choosing a router

Both advantageous, but also sensitive, it is important to be careful when it comes time to choose your router. To achieve this, you have to take a few points to heart.

Preliminary points to know

Before even considering the purchase of your router, it is important that you make sure that your area is covered by 4G.

If this point meets with no opposition, you can then think about the 4G mobile plan that suits you. Indeed, you should already bear in mind that the more devices you connect to your router, the higher the data consumption. You will therefore have to choose your 4G package in consideration of this.

Bands available on the router

A 4G router is first and foremost a wireless device that has 2 or even 3 antennas. Also, it is available in multiple bands. By band, we mean the frequency available on a router.

That said, the more frequencies available on your 4G router, the better the connection speed will be. This is the reason why the choice of the router must necessarily take this parameter into account.

The security of your router

It is important that your router is secure enough so that it is not prone to a breach. To do this, the mentions that can allow you to consider this or that router as secure are those WPA 2 and WPE.

But of one or the other of these mentions that a router can carry, the first represents the high level in terms of security. For the simple reason, it is simply more reliable and efficient.

A router with optimal throughput

To choose a router that has optimal speed, do not make the mistake of relying on the data sheets. Indeed, the actual throughput of routers is generally 3 times greater than what is mentioned.

This is the reason why it is recommended to discuss well with your seller in order to have more indications. However, keep in mind that the speed of a router varies mainly depending on the model and also on its location.

The choice of a brand router

Several sites now offer routers of different types. In this pattern and with the world becoming more and more connected, it would be easier for you to choose a good router.

To achieve this, you simply have to rely on the opinions of the few customers who have already experienced the few routers for which you are leaning. By doing so, you have more certainty about the choice you are about to make.

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